I’ve spoken at some events want to expand more.

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.


Rolling with Python: Intro to Python Wheels

BangPypers Meetup 2024, Bangalore

Introduction to Python Wheels, why it is important, how it helps in packaging and distributing Python libraries. How C/C++ libraries can be included in Python Wheels.

Speeding up Python with Cython

Pycon India 2024, Bangalore / Pycon Japan 2024, Tokyo

Under Core Python: Basic of PVM, Cython, how to speed up Python code, how it helps in Preprocessing and Postprocessing of data with Object Detection.

The Age of Digital Da Vinci: All About Image Generation

Devfest 2023

Under Machine Learning and Data Science Track: Evolution of Image Generation Encoder Decoder, VAEs, GANs, and Stable Diffusion.

Introduction to Machine Learning

KJ Somaiya, Mumbai Techfest 2019

As a guest speaker, I gave a talk on Introduction to Machine Learning and how it is used in the real world.
