Computer VisionFeature DetectionFeature DescriptionInterest Point DetectionSURF

SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features

15 min read
Authors:Herbert Bay,Tinne Tuytelaars,Luc Van Gool

Introducing SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features), a fast and robust algorithm for local feature detection and description, often used in applications like object recognition, image registration, and 3D reconstruction.

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Paper Overview

This paper introduces SURF (Speeded Up Robust Features), a highly efficient and robust algorithm for detecting and describing local features in images. SURF builds upon the success of SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform), another popular feature detection algorithm, but with a focus on speed and computational efficiency. SURF achieves this by employing integral images and box filters for fast Hessian matrix approximation, leading to significant speed improvements without sacrificing performance. This makes SURF particularly suitable for real-time applications and resource-constrained environments.

Key Contributions

  1. Fast Hessian-based Interest Point Detection:

    • Integral Images: SURF utilizes integral images to efficiently compute the Hessian matrix, which is used to identify interest points (keypoints) in the image. Integral images allow for fast computation of sums of pixel values within rectangular regions, enabling efficient Hessian matrix approximation.
    • Box Filters: SURF approximates the second-order Gaussian derivatives used in the Hessian matrix with box filters. These box filters can be computed very efficiently using integral images, further speeding up the interest point detection process.
  2. Scale-Space Representation:

    • Scale-Space Pyramid: SURF constructs a scale-space pyramid to detect interest points at different scales, making it robust to scale changes in the image.
    • Fast Filtering: Instead of using Gaussian filters for scale-space representation, SURF employs box filters within a pyramid, which can be computed efficiently using integral images.
  3. Rotation Invariant Descriptor:

    • Orientation Assignment: SURF assigns a dominant orientation to each interest point based on the distribution of Haar wavelet responses within a circular neighborhood around the point. This ensures rotation invariance of the descriptor.
    • Descriptor Computation: SURF computes a 64-dimensional descriptor for each interest point by summarizing the Haar wavelet responses within a grid of sub-regions around the point. This descriptor captures the distinctive characteristics of the local image region.
  4. Speed and Robustness:

    • Faster than SIFT: SURF is significantly faster than SIFT, often by a factor of 3-6, while achieving comparable or better performance in terms of repeatability and distinctiveness of features.
    • Robustness to Image Transformations: SURF is robust to various image transformations, including scale changes, rotation, illumination changes, and viewpoint changes.


This paper presents SURF, a fast and robust algorithm for local feature detection and description. By employing integral images and box filters for efficient Hessian matrix approximation, SURF achieves significant speed improvements over SIFT without compromising performance. This makes SURF a valuable tool for various computer vision applications, including object recognition, image registration, 3D reconstruction, and more. SURF's efficiency and robustness have contributed to its widespread adoption in both academic research and real-world applications.

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