Object DetectionComputer VisionDeep LearningRegion Proposal NetworkR-CNNFaster R-CNN

Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks

15 min read
Authors:Shaoqing Ren,Kaiming He,Ross Girshick,Jian Sun

Introducing Faster R-CNN, a significant improvement over R-CNN and Fast R-CNN that uses a Region Proposal Network (RPN) to generate object proposals, leading to faster and more accurate object detection.

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Paper Overview

This paper introduces Faster R-CNN, a significant advancement in object detection that builds upon the success of R-CNN and Fast R-CNN. While these previous methods achieved impressive accuracy, they suffered from a major bottleneck: the slow and computationally expensive process of generating region proposals using selective search. Faster R-CNN addresses this limitation by introducing a Region Proposal Network (RPN), a lightweight network that shares convolutional features with the detection network, enabling nearly cost-free region proposal generation. This innovation leads to faster and more accurate object detection, pushing the boundaries of real-time performance.

Key Contributions

  1. Region Proposal Network (RPN):

    • Shared Convolutional Features: RPN is a fully convolutional network that takes an image as input and shares convolutional layers with the object detection network. This sharing of features significantly reduces computation time compared to previous methods that used separate algorithms for region proposal.
    • Anchors: RPN introduces the concept of "anchors," which are pre-defined boxes of various scales and aspect ratios placed at each location on the feature map. These anchors act as reference boxes for generating region proposals.
    • Objectness Score and Bounding Box Regression: For each anchor, RPN predicts an "objectness score" indicating the likelihood of an object being present and regresses the bounding box coordinates to refine the anchor's position and size.
  2. Faster Training and Inference:

    • End-to-End Training: Faster R-CNN enables end-to-end training of both the RPN and the object detection network, allowing for joint optimization of both components.
    • Speed Improvement: By integrating region proposal generation into the network, Faster R-CNN achieves significantly faster training and inference speeds compared to R-CNN and Fast R-CNN.
  3. Improved Accuracy:

    • Accurate Proposals: The RPN generates high-quality region proposals that accurately capture object locations.
    • State-of-the-art Performance: Faster R-CNN achieves state-of-the-art object detection accuracy on benchmark datasets like PASCAL VOC and COCO, surpassing previous methods.


This paper presents Faster R-CNN, a significant advancement in object detection that introduces the Region Proposal Network (RPN) for efficient and accurate region proposal generation. By sharing convolutional features and enabling end-to-end training, Faster R-CNN achieves faster speeds and improved accuracy compared to its predecessors. This work has had a major impact on the field of object detection, paving the way for real-time object detection systems and inspiring further research in efficient and accurate object detection methods.

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